Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Investment- We are redirecting resources, that you would consume now for the future.

Financial Asset- claims on property and income of the borrower

Financial Intermediaries- institution that channels funds from savers to borrowers.

Interest in relationship savers, saver is me, and institution is a bank, the bank invests.

3 Purposes for Financial Intermediaries
1. Share risk
-- Diversification- spreading out investment to reduce risk

2. Providing Information
--Stock-broker to advise you what to do to see

3. Liquidity
--Easily to convert to cash
--Returns- the money and inverses above and beyond the sum of money that was intentionally invested.

The higher the risk, the higher the investment bond.

3 Components of a Bond

  1. Coupon rate
  2. Maturity
  3. Par Value
Bonds are Loans or IOUs that represent debt that the Gov't or a cooperation must repay to an invester
-Bonds are generally low risk investments

1. Coupon Rate
- the interest rate that a bond issuer will pay to a bond holder

2. Maturity
- the time at which payment to a bond holder is due
3. Par Value
- the amount that an investor pays to purchase a bond and that will be re payed to an investor at maturity

Yield- Annual rate of return on a bond of the bond were held to maturity 

Bond you LOAN
Stocks you OWN

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