Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Money- is any asset that can be easily used to purchase goods and services.

3 uses

  •  As a medium of exchange
- Used to determine value
  • Unit of Account
- You need something to compare cost to
  • Store Value
- When you hide money (shoe box, under mattress)
- In a bank it earns interest, at home its the same value

  1. Commodity Money
- value within its self
  • Salt
  • olive oil
  • gold

     2.  Representative Money
- Represents something of value
  • IOU - pay back worthless paper

   3.  Fiat Money
- Money because government says so 
  • Paper currency
  • coins

Currency is not the same as money
All money is not currency

6 Characteristics of Money
  1. Durability (last long)
  2. Portability ( take it everywhere)
  3. Divisibility (Broken down) ex(1 dollar is 10 dimes)
  4. Uniformity (looks the same, updates)
  5. Limited supply
  6. Acceptability 

Money Supply
- All the available money in the economy 

  • Consists of LIQUID ASSETS
- easily can convert to cash
-Currency (paper)
-check-able deposits  (checks)
-Travelers Checks

  • Consists of M1 Money + Savings Accounts + money market accounts. 
3 Purposes for financial Institutions
  1. Store Money
  2. Save Money
  3. Loan Money- Credit card/Mortgage 
4 Ways to Save Money
  1. Savings Account
  2. Checking Account
  3. Money Market Account
  4. CD certificate of Deposit
3+4 Higher interest rate. 

Banks operate on fractional reserve bank system
which means - they keep a fraction of the funds, and they loan out the rest

Interest Rate
Principal- amount of money borrowed
Interest- price paid for the use of borrowed money
- simple interest- paid on the principal
- compound interest- paid on the principal + the accumulated Interest


P- Principal
R- rate of interest
T- time

Simple Interest
I= P x R x T/ 100

T= I x 100/ P x R

P = I x 100/ R x T

Interest Rate
R = I x 100/ P x T

Types of financial Institutions

  1. Commercial banks
  2. loans and saving institutions
  3. mutual savings banks
  4. credit unions
  5. financial companies   

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