Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ms. Mac AP Macroeconomics, The Loan-able Funds Market

The Loan-able Funds Market

  • The Market where savers and borrowers exchange funds (Qlf) at the real rate of interest (r%)
  • the demand for loadable funds, or borrowing comes from households, firms, gov't and foreign sector. The demand for loan-able funds is in a fact the supply of bands.
  • The supply of loan-able funds of saving comes from households, firms government and the foreign sector. The supply of loan-able funds is also the demand for bonds.
Changes in the Demand for Loan-able Funds
  • Remember that demand for loan-able funds = borrowing (i.e supplying bonds)
  • more borrowing = demand for loan-able funds (->)
  • Less borrowing  = less demand for loan-able funds (<-) 
  • examples
  • - government deficit spending = more borrowing = more demand for loan-able finds .: Dlf -> .: r % ^
  • - less investment demand =less borrowing = less demand for loan-able funds. 

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